Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday's are long days...

"Sometimes i pray for a slap in the face, and then beg to be spared cause i'm a coward..."

I just read this quote on Erin Eade's facebook profile, and it described the way I feel so often. How often do you find yourself getting caught up in the world, and you ask God to do something to get you back on track? However, this is a dangerous prayer because God might actually answer it. This is the delima that I find myself in over and over again. I want God to break me of my sinful nature, but then I think about all of the things that He might use to accomplish this and ask God to break me gently. Can being broken ever feel good? I don't really think so. So, this is the issue. We want to be broken, but we so badly want our Christian walk to be easy and pain free. We are cowards. We settle for a lesser joy because of a little bit of pain. God help me to overcome this weekness and welcome the suffering that You will use to point the world to You. God give me courage to allow You to slap me in the face.


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