Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lacking in creativity

In recent years, I have made a valient attempt to become an artistic and creative person. However, it isn't working out so well. I have taken up photography, which I am decent at, but in comparison to those around me, I need some work. I have also given painting a shot. I am not good at it, but it is suprisingly fun. And lastly, I have always wished that I could create music. I appreciate music so much, but I don't have a musical bone in my body. So, there it is. That brings me to this week. I have made a few valient attempts to paint, but alas, I have not even picked up a paint brush. I see so many things that inspire me, and I am even inspired by many paintings. However, I can't seem to translate this inspiration into a tangible piece of art. So, here's what I am going to do: keep trying. My goal is to create something this week. After all, I have to start somewhere. Who knows, maybe I will catch on to the whole creativity thing one day, and I promise you that I will run with it. So, if I paint anything cool or take any cool pictures this week, I will post them on here. But I wouldn't hold your breathe (that is me speaking to all of the nonexistent readers of my blog.) Anyways, that's it for now. Maybe I am the next Bob Ross and don't even know it. I will keep you updated on this search for my creative ability that has been hiding for a long time.


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