Saturday, February 21, 2009


I am still in Germany. It is fun.

Monday, February 9, 2009

2 big wedding decisions made today.

1) We are having the wedding and reception at B&A Warehouse.
2) Joel Brooks is going to be able to do the wedding.

We are getting there with the details.

Also, I am heading to Germany on Friday, and I am starting to get really excited. We are going to be able to spend some good time with RJ and Bethany. I will take a lot of pictures.


Sunday, February 8, 2009


I might try this thing out again. Who knows.

A few updates:
1) I am engaged
2) I just started using Twitter, and I kind of like it. I think that is what has motivated me to try this again.

I know that nobody will ever see this, but I don't care.


Friday, January 25, 2008

Prayer and fasting...

How long has it been since you have slowed down and dedicated a day to prayer and fasting? If your answer is anything like mine, it has probably been a while. Well, I challenge you to take some time out of your busy, or not so busy, day sometime soon to pray and fast asking for God to use the Holy Spirit to guide you and use you in ways that only he could plan.

Also, read Exodus 33. We must be a people who demand the presence of God in our every step.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Apple's new software is really ticking me off. Especially ical. If you don't have to upgrade to Leopard. Don't. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it. It's not important.

That's all.


ps. Here's a London photo

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Christ in us...

So, below is a blog that I wrote a few months ago and never posted. Church has been amazing lately, and I have a bunch of things that I would love to write about. But, until then, check out the blog that I wrote in September.


Everybody should listen to the sermon by David Platt from 9-16-07. It challenged me a lot. The main focus is about keeping Christ the focus. I know it sounds cliche, but it was great. Here are a few quotes that I really liked:

"We commit idolatry by focusing more on Christianity than we focus on Christ."

"God deliver us from a small concept of the God who lives in us."

The whole idea of the sermon was that our lives have been transformed by Christ living within us. We do not need to focus more on our outward Christian life than we do on Christ who is living within us. We must also not lose sight of the fact that we are gauranteed to be conformed to the likeness of Christ. This idea of future glory should encourage all believers. We will one day be clothed with the identity of Christ. What a great promise!

Check out the sermon. The one from the week before is great too!


Thursday, January 17, 2008


One of my favorite things to do in the morning at work is to have Caleb pick out a song for us to listen to. He never ceases to pick out something awesome to start off the day with. So, if you are having trouble starting your day, you should ask Caleb to pick out a song for you to listen to.


ps. sorry that I don't post more. i will try to do a better job. stay tuned for London images